Experience. Trust. Lasting Results. Let's Get Started



What experience do you have working with elderly clients?


Bochnewich Law Offices, APC, has decades of experience in working with elders. We are sensitive to the unique challenges that come with aging, ensuring we provide compassionate guidance for each and every client.   


Is your building/office wheelchair accessible?


Yes, our office building has wheelchair access ramps and an elevator, to accommodate our valued clients who may need that assistance.    


Is there readily accessible parking near your building/office?  


Yes, our office building has ample parking, including multiple handicap spaces located in front of the building’s entrance. There are no parking fees.   


What happens if I become incapacitated or unable to make decisions for myself? 


One way to handle your personal affairs in anticipation of any incapacity, is to have a thoroughly prepared Advanced Health Care Directive and Durable Power of Attorney for business affairs. Bochnewich Law Office, APC can help you with the preparation of these documents.   


How do you communicate with clients during a case? 


During active litigation, we regularly communicate with our clients by phone, e-mail, and in person, and via zoom. The firm is committed to prompt communications of all significant events that occur in a case, with each and every client.   


What services do you provide in probate matters? 


Bochnewich Law Offices, APC provides the full range of services to see a probate matter through the entire probate process from start to finish, from the filing of a Petition for Probate and obtaining Letters Testamentary and all the subsequent statutory tasks through a Petition for Final Distribution of the estate.    


What is the probate process like and what is the average length of a probate case? 


The length of any matter in court depends upon the facts of each case and whether the matter is the subject of adverse claims or litigation. For an uncontested probate, the typical length of a case, if everything is done properly and all documents are submitted by the executor in a timely way, is about nine months to a year. However, the time of any case depends upon the facts of that case. To find out more about the potential timeline of your case please schedule a free consultation or call our office at (760)-776-1377.   


In what geographic areas does Bochnewich Law Offices, APC, serve clients?  


Bochnewich Law Offices serves clients primarily in Southern California, in Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, Orange County, and San Diego County. On occasion, Attorney Bochnewich is asked by other attorneys to represent clients in other jurisdictions, pro hac vice, on matters of California probate law and conservatorship law at issue in the Courts of other states.